

The Book of Revelation Describes The New Jerusalem

People will likely ask this question: “If God just renovates the surface of this planet instead of making an entirely new one, where will the inhabitants of this planet be located while He renovates it?


Pharoah’s Dreams

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Let us look at several Bible examples of dreams and visions, and determine whether each vision had multiple interpretations, or just one interpretation. Genesis chapter 40 tells us that two of Pharaoh’s close servants, his cupbearer, and his baker, had offended their master, and had been thrown […]

Time cannot alter what Jesus purchased for us on that tree!

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Does time really change anything? I have heard over and over that we are now in the twenty-first century, and so we need to adjust our mindset to the current thinking. And tragically, much of the church has fallen for that demonic mentality. Demonic?Absolutely! How can the […]

Theologians are the fizzlers

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The Cornerstone, Jesus Christ, has been laid. God Almighty laid it. And no one can challenge the work of the Almighty. The Cornerstone is permanent in both its location and its purpose. Location: The church—Ephesians 1:22-23: “God [Himself] has put all things under His [Christ’s] feet, […]

We must do our part to receive the benefits

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

While I do not want to be too repetitive, still, although I have covered some subjects in past articles, I do not remember in which articles such issues were covered; nor do I remember all of the details of the issues I dealt with in those articles; […]

The watchmen were not watching

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Jesus, Paul and others made it clear that the world during this evil age will always be contrary to God and His Word—The entire Bible, and especially the Gospel message of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. And the devil’s attacks will not be […]

Every thought, word and action, will be taken into account

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

When we Christian believers stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged, based upon the way we have lived our lives in this evil age, by what universal standard will Christ judge us to determine our rewards or losses (Romans 14:10-12, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11)? How […]

God is not affected by time

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

There is a reason for these articles—A God-approved reason—A Bible-based reason. For one thing, the church must come to realize that God is not affected by time. What unreasonable reasoning to think that God has gotten old and senile, and is no longer relevant in modern […]

Craig: All human problems have been solved by His sacrifice

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

We are still on the subject of equipment, as related to the church. Just hold on as I lay out God’s ingenious redemption plan for providing real solutions to the problems facing the human race. First of all, God is the Creator. He is the miracle-working God, […]

Ron Craig: Every Benefit Is Still Available To Those Who Will Believe

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The primary reason not more world problems get solved with biblical solutions in the lives of individuals, and in society in general, is that so few people believe biblical solutions are real solutions. Shockingly, and sadly, that is true in Christian circles, as well as out […]

Ron Craig: In All These Things We More Than Conquer

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

I have heard preacher after preacher pray to God to give them a strategy which will address and solve at least some of the social and other problems in their communities. Those preachers ought to use the strategy God has already given us—Preach the Word […]