I have heard preacher after preacher pray to God to give them a strategy which will address and solve at least some of the social and other problems in their communities. Those preachers ought to use the strategy God has already given us—Preach the Word of God—2 Timothy 4:2. God’s Word created this universe (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:3); God’s Word sustains His creation (Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3); people get born again by God’s Word (James 1:18 and 1 Peter 1:23); and every word of God has life in it (Proverbs 4:20-22 and Matthew 4:4). God’s Word is the only entity that actually sets people free (John 8:31-32, 36 and Galatians 5:1), etc., etc., etc. Think now: If the very Creator and Sustainer of this universe cannot get the job done, what other power can? He is also well known as the Redeemer of lost mankind. Redeemer from what? From all of the problems that Adam’s fall brought upon mankind! Jesus Christ provided the salvation (deliverance) from all human problems.
Then He made the solutions which He purchased for us on the cross available to all who hear about that Good News, and believe it, and accept their deliverance. Redemption in Jesus Christ is God’s solution to all of man’s problems. Redemption is contained in the Gospel—Bible Truth about what Jesus Christ did for us on the cruel cross. So, if those solutions are not reaching those who have problems, then those who have the Bible solutions—Gospel message—are not providing the needy with the Good News that we have already been delivered from all (yes, all) of our problems through what our Savior did for us on the cross. The problem-sufferers need to know about and accept their deliverance. Does that sound just too good to be true? If so, why did God command us to go preach the GOOD NEWS to every creature in the world (Mark 16:15-20)? What makes God’s Word GOOD NEWS? When we accept it, and walk in it (God’s Word), it remedies the problems that bug us. It does not mean that problems will not confront us, but that we are able to come out to the good in the conflict. In all these things we more than conquer—Romans 8:37. If we do not obey God and use the Gospel to become problem-solvers, then we actually may be some of the problem-causers. Think and pray about that. More on the way!
(If you are not a committed member of some other Christian fellowship, you are invited to visit Living Way Fellowship at 2041 County Road 73, in Killen area. From Killen, going north on US 43, turn right on County Road 73 and go 2 and 1/2 miles. We are on the right. You can’t miss the sign out front—Living Way Fellowship. Sunday 10:00 A.M., Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Ron Craig is the pastor, teacher and Christian book author. Contact us at ronwritercraig@gmail.com, or log onto our church website at www.livingwayfellowshiponline.org. And while there, check out my books and audio podcasts. Wouldn’t hurt!)