

The Book of Revelation Describes The New Jerusalem

People will likely ask this question: “If God just renovates the surface of this planet instead of making an entirely new one, where will the inhabitants of this planet be located while He renovates it?


Sometimes their expertise is not so expert after all

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

But, what about Ezekiel 38 and 39? Daniel 11:44 is key. As the Antichrist is about to enter Jerusalem to crush it, “news from the east and the north will trouble him, and he will go out [obviously in those directions] to destroy and to annihilate […]

Evolution is the biggest lie ever sold to humanity

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Before getting into those additional Scriptures about God’s use of human beings to do His deliverance projects on this planet, let us consider these alternatives suggested by outright sinners, as well as even by the members of some church denominations. […]

Pastor Ron Craig: Those that pervert the Gospel message are accursed

Author and Pastor Ron Craig

If what is being taught and practiced in much of the modern church is in any way different from what Jesus and the early church taught and practiced, why is that so, and when did it begin to take place? Who had the audacity to tamper with […]

Ron Craig: Enemy still seeking someone to devour

Reverend Ron Craig

Just a casual observation of world events makes it obvious that God is not forcing His will (as expressed in the Bible) on anyone in the world. It is obvious as well that Satan is attempting to force his will on the population of this entire planet. But remember that […]