Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
Moving right along on that Revelation road: Before that seventh seal is opened, we find this inserted material in chapter seven. Revelation 7:1-8 says that 144,000 newly converted Jews will be sealed on their forehead before those judgment angels pour out more misery on the Antichrist’s kingdom. […]
Dozens of times in the Book of Ezekiel God said, “Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Those statements almost always pointed to some divine activity concerning last days events. When I have My final say, God was saying, then you will know that those things I promised throughout history have […]
Is God in control? Is the devil in control? Or, are human beings in control? Looking at history and current events, it is difficult to tell. (I have not abandoned the subject of that last-days event.) The primary reason such confusion abounds in the world today is that most people do not understand […]
These things I spoke to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: But be of good cheer; I overcame the world (John 16:33). […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
More biblical light regarding end-time events and the catching away of the church. One more Scripture passage those experts seem to have overlooked is Luke 17:26-30. Teaching on last-days events, the Lord said plainly that, just as it was in the days of both Noah and […]
Before exposing the next major end-time teaching error, let me mention one more Scripture passage that may just provide more light on the exposure of this first of the major errors. Revelation 16:12 states that in those last days the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the kings from the […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
But, what about Ezekiel 38 and 39? Daniel 11:44 is key. As the Antichrist is about to enter Jerusalem to crush it, “news from the east and the north will trouble him, and he will go out [obviously in those directions] to destroy and to annihilate […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
The book of Daniel is expanded in the book of Revelation. Revelation cannot be understood without a working knowledge of Daniel’s original revelation, and Daniel is incomplete without the apostle John’s completion of that vision in the book of Revelation. Moreover, both books must be taken together […]
By Ron Craig The dreams and visions in the book of Daniel are unique, because end-time events were revealed to both King Nebuchadnezzar and the prophet Daniel, but in different times, with vastly different symbols. Yet, all of them presented what Deity wanted us to know about the end-time events. All the dreams and […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
John 12:47-50 shows us that Bible interpretation is neither necessary nor God-approved. Let us look closely at our Lord’s own words on that issue. “If any man hears My words, and believes them not, I judge him not [at this time]: For I came not [on this […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
If 2 Peter 1:20-21 was valid in the first century, why would it not be valid today? Just because the devil has convinced sinners, and much of the church, that the world has changed, and therefore God must have changed as well, that does not make it […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
Cornerstone! Familiar with that word? Chief Cornerstone! Sound familiar? It should to Bible students. That term refers only to Jesus Christ. He is the Chief Cornerstone. And just what does that term mean? It refers to the first stone that was placed as the foundation of a […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
The statement that God does not change is recorded in Malachi 3:6, the last of the Old Testament books. In the New Testament, in Hebrews 13:8, we see that Jesus does not change—Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. In Hebrews 1:3, we also discover that […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
Before getting into those additional Scriptures about God’s use of human beings to do His deliverance projects on this planet, let us consider these alternatives suggested by outright sinners, as well as even by the members of some church denominations. […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
The primary point in these current lessons is to get across the biblical reality that God is not going to step down from His glorious throne to intervene in world problems, because He has already come down in the human form of Jesus Christ, and solved all […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
In my lessons both here and elsewhere, I often make the point that religious tradition has robbed much of the church of our rich inheritance in Christ. If we are heirs of Abraham, God and Christ (Romans 8:17; Galatians 3:29; Hebrews 1:2), and according to Scripture […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
Christians are righteous, pure, holy, light, cleansed, sanctified, etc. because we are not under the Old Testament law, but under grace. Two totally opposite systems. Romans 6:14—Sin will not have dominion over you [Christians]: For [the simple reason that] you are not under the law, […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
I invite you to think along with me about this righteousness subject. In John 8:44, Jesus said those whose spiritual father is the devil will carry out the will of their father the devil. He is a liar and murderer. And those religious people Christ was addressing […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
We Christians are what God says we are, not what the world or religion says we are. Remember that piling up term I used in the previous article. Of course, the world basically discounts the modern church. But one reason the world does so is that, […]
Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig
In Ephesians 4:11-16, Paul revealed God’s established ministry system for the entirety of this church dispensation. That New Testament ministry pattern was meant to remain intact until Jesus returns. How do I know that? Well, for one thing, Jesus Christ does not lie, and He does not […]