


Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Over the years I have shared a lot of stories about Alabama’s colorful political figures. We have had some characters like Big Jim Folsom and George Wallace. Big Jim was gregarious and fun loving. Wallace was a political genius and without question the most prolific politician in Alabama […]


Senate Candidate Bradley Byrne

Current First District Congressman Bradley Byrne is leaving his safe congressional seat to take a shot at the U.S. Senate this year.

The Mobile First Congressional District has had quite a legacy over the last century. Alabama’s First District has always been primarily made up of Mobile County. Historically, […]

Alabama is called the “Heart of Dixie”

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

As we begin this New Year of 2019, Alabama begins a new quadrennium in state government.

All of our Constitutional state officeholders begin their new four-year terms this month. Governor Kay Ivey will be sworn in for a four-year term on January 14. Also, being sworn in […]

Walt Maddox Pop-Up Rally Set for Tuesday

FLORENCE–A pop-up rally for Walt Maddox, the Democrat running for governor, is set for Tuesday at McFarland Park.


Congressman Mo Brooks: President Trump misled into making endorsement


US Congressman Mo Brooks

HUNTSVILLE- Senate candidate Mo Brooks is sounding off after President Trump endorsed his opponent Luther Strange for the Senate seat.


Shelby won an uphill battle to unseat Jeremiah Denton

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Our Senior U.S. Senator Richard Shelby will begin his sixth six-year term in January. He is an Alabama treasure. Over the past 30 years as our Senator he has brought millions of federal dollars home to Alabama.


Restaurant was hub for Alabama political figures

Interior of Elite Cafe Montgomery from a postcard of the time

Alabama’s most famous political restaurant and watering hole for 50 years was Montgomery’s Elite Restaurant. Until it closed about 1995, the Elite (pronounced “E-light”) was the place to eat and be seen. Many a political deal was struck at its back tables.


Several mayors defeated across state in municipal elections

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

There is no truer adage in the political world than “all politics is local.” therefore, the best politics and the best governing in the state is at the local level. The mayors of cities and towns throughout Alabama are the real governors of the state.


Trump making headway with little tv ad spending, most Americans under 40 get their news digitally

In 1960 television was a new medium. Most Americans did not have televisions in the early 1950’s. However, by 1960 the majority of the country had fallen in love with Lucy and TV.


Trey Edwards: “Time for accountability in state government”

Trey Edwards of Victory Social Media

This past week has been another chapter in the seemingly never-ending saga involving our Governor. Despite his claims that he never took advantage of his office to protect his affair, he had a state helicopter fly his wallet to him after he drove himself to the coast […]

Trey Edwards: “Competition improves and open minds educate,”

Trey Edwards of Victory Social Media

I love the Shoals. There is something unexplainable about the Shoals that outsiders just don’t understand. When I moved here four years ago, I didn’t get it right away. I always had the feeling that something was different, but it didn’t truly sink in for a while. […]

LBJ stories: “Dead people have a right to vote too”

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

There are a good many stories about elections of the 1940’s and 50’s where votes were bought and elections stolen. The most brazen and blatant stealing of an election occurred in the 1948 race for the U.S. Senate in Texas. The players were Coke Stevenson versus Lyndon […]