HUNTSVILLE- Senate candidate Mo Brooks is sounding off after President Trump endorsed his opponent Luther Strange for the Senate seat.
Congressman Mo Brooks made the following statement on President Trump’s endorsement in the Alabama Special Election Primary:
“I respect President Trump, but I am baffled and disappointed Mitch McConnell and the Swamp somehow misled the President into endorsing Luther Strange.
“Perhaps the President is unaware that Luther Strange corruptly and unethically held a criminal investigation over the head of disgraced Governor Bentley to obtain the senate appointment.
“Perhaps President Trump is unaware that Luther Strange wants to keep the Senate’s 60% rule that empowers Chuck Schumer and the Democrats to kill the entire conservative, Republican, and President Trump legislative agendas.
“Perhaps President Trump is unaware then- Attorney General Luther Strange received $50,000 from a heavy polluter as a reward for Luther Strange sending two letters to the EPA that blocked EPA efforts to force the polluter to pay cleanup costs at a heavily polluted Birmingham Superfund site that endangers the health of Alabama children and citizens.
“The President has bigger things going on than a campaign, that’s for sure.
“In any event, while Mitch McConnell and the Swamp managed to mislead the President last night, I still support the America First Agenda, and all the polls show we have momentum.
“We believe our message will win out over the Swamp and Lyin’ Luther.
“We continue the fight for America’s future. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Forward we march.”