

Sometimes overlooked and often unsung, Alabama’s community and technical colleges are on a roll. It is time they get the recognition they deserve as workhorses for the state’s economy.

Steve Flowers

There are 24 community and technical colleges in the state, located on 50 different campuses with over 130 service locations. This means every Alabamian reading these words is close to incredible education and training opportunities.

The colleges offer over 300 degrees and certifications, and award more than 30,000 credentials each year […]


Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Over the years I have shared a lot of stories about Alabama’s colorful political figures. We have had some characters like Big Jim Folsom and George Wallace. Big Jim was gregarious and fun loving. Wallace was a political genius and without question the most prolific politician in Alabama […]


Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Alabama is in good hands with John McMillan.  A good man is in the job of State Treasurer of Alabama for the third straight quadrennium.

Young Boozer served two successive four-year terms from 2010-2018.  Mr. Boozer did an excellent job as Treasurer. He was perfect for the job.  […]

Supreme Court rules states can collect sales tax on online tax

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

The State of Alabama’s fiscal year began on October 1. Our state’s finances are not the best in the world. However, they got a boost from the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, The high tribunal ruled that states can collect sales tax on internet sales.


Remember the 1986 Governor’s race

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Since this is a gubernatorial election year, allow me to share an epic Governor’s Race with you.

The 1986 Governor’s race will be remembered as one of Alabama’s most amazing political stories. In 1978 Fob James sent the Three B’s, Brewer, Beasley and Baxley packing. Brewer and […]

Richard Shelby one of the greatest Senators

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

A few months back the Jefferson County Republican Party honored our Senior U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby. It was held at The Club in Birmingham. The view from atop Red Mountain from this elegant club is spectacular, especially at night from the ballroom. The glass enclosure allows you […]

Several mayors defeated across state in municipal elections

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

There is no truer adage in the political world than “all politics is local.” therefore, the best politics and the best governing in the state is at the local level. The mayors of cities and towns throughout Alabama are the real governors of the state.


This Week in Alabama Politics: “Shelby has been stalwart appropriator for Alabama”

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

We are only a few weeks away from our March 1st primary. We have an early primary date this year due to the fact that we are in the SEC Presidential Primary. Therefore, we will have some say in who will be the GOP and Democratic nominees.


LBJ stories: “Dead people have a right to vote too”

Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers

There are a good many stories about elections of the 1940’s and 50’s where votes were bought and elections stolen. The most brazen and blatant stealing of an election occurred in the 1948 race for the U.S. Senate in Texas. The players were Coke Stevenson versus Lyndon […]

This Week in Alabama Politics: AEA died with Hubbert

Alabama Political Columnist Steve Flowers

As discussed last week, several of the headline Alabama news stories of 2015 may also be the blockbusters of 2016. The Mike Hubbard trial and the decision of the federal courts on Alabama’s legislative district lines will be determined in the first half of this […]

This week in Alabama Politics: Hubbard architect of Republican takeover

Alabama Political Columnist Steve Flowers

A good many of the news stories that were the most noteworthy events of 2015 will continue into this new year of 2016 and may repeat as the major headlines of this year. Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard will go on trial in his home of Lee […]

Steve Flowers: This Week in Alabama Politics

Alabama Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Last week we discussed the presidential race. The GOP race for the nomination has been one of the most illuminating in history. Never before have political novices been the frontrunners. It is obvious that voters prefer an outsider with no governmental experience. Donald Trump and Ben Carson would […]

Steve Flowers: This Week in Alabama Politics



Alabama Political Columnist Steve Flowers

Folks, we are in the midst of a presidential race. It has been ongoing for well over a year. We will select a new president in November. Barack Obama has served his eight-year limit. Thus, the parade of candidates seeking to occupy the Oval Office has […]