Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Over the years I have shared a lot of stories about Alabama’s colorful political figures. We have had some characters like Big Jim Folsom and George Wallace. Big Jim was gregarious and fun loving. Wallace was a political genius and without question the most prolific politician in Alabama […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
This week marks the 20th Anniversary of the infamous 9/11 terrorist attacks on our nation. It was a day in your life where you remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard of the attacks on the New York World Trade Center and […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Alcohol was on the minds of many Alabama lawmakers this year as the legislature considered an abnormally high number of alcohol-related bills. Several of the bills passed. Most notable was legislation that made it possible for Alabama businesses to deliver beer, wine and liquor to customers’ homes, and […]
Senate Candidate Bradley Byrne
Current First District Congressman Bradley Byrne is leaving his safe congressional seat to take a shot at the U.S. Senate this year.
The Mobile First Congressional District has had quite a legacy over the last century. Alabama’s First District has always been primarily made up of Mobile County. Historically, […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
We are less than three months away from the election for our number two U.S. Senate Seat. The winner of the Republican Primary on March 3, 2020 will be our next U.S. Senator. Winning the GOP Primary for any statewide office in a presidential year is tantamount to […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Alabama is in good hands with John McMillan. A good man is in the job of State Treasurer of Alabama for the third straight quadrennium.
Young Boozer served two successive four-year terms from 2010-2018. Mr. Boozer did an excellent job as Treasurer. He was perfect for the job. […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Those of us who are Baby Boomers remember the tumultuous times of the 1960’s. We lived through the Civil Rights revolution. Those of us who grew up here in the Heart of Dixie witnessed the transpiring of racial integration first hand. Most of the crusades and struggles […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Recently, I wrote about Alfa’s influence in Alabama politics. In my August 8 column, I said, the Alabama Farmers Federation still controls the Legislature. They use to play in the Governor’s Race. However, they got burned badly by Bob Riley when they helped him get elected and […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Well, folks, let’s put the final coup de grace to the Robert Bentley six year Governor’s reign and move on. Ole Bentley was quite a story his last two years. He had become the ringleader of a circus and an infamous national cartoon character. The salacious and […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
As I have suggested to you, we are looking at one momentous 2018-election year, and it has begun. Get this folks; we have an open governor’s race. We have openings at Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Agriculture Commissioner, three seats on the Supreme Court including the […]
Interior of Elite Cafe Montgomery from a postcard of the time
Alabama’s most famous political restaurant and watering hole for 50 years was Montgomery’s Elite Restaurant. Until it closed about 1995, the Elite (pronounced “E-light”) was the place to eat and be seen. Many a political deal was struck at its back tables.
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
Throughout this year’s prodigious presidential selection process our junior senator, Jeff Sessions, has been at the forefront. He has become the darling of the extreme right throughout the country. He is and has been one of the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate for close to […]
In 1960 television was a new medium. Most Americans did not have televisions in the early 1950’s. However, by 1960 the majority of the country had fallen in love with Lucy and TV.
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
As if we have not been inundated enough with politics this year, hold on to your seats. Over the next few weeks that is all you will hear, read or see. The Republican Convention is set for today, the 18-22nd, in Cleveland and the Democratic Convention will […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
There appears to be very little interest in promoting an effort to impeach Governor Robert Bentley. With very few legislative days left in the session, legislators have a myriad of problems to deal with, not the least of which are the budgets, especially the General Fund. The […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
A good friend and loyal reader suggested to me that he would like to see a column entitled, “Where Are They Now?” Then I ran into former Gov. Albert Brewer at a Birmingham restaurant and it prompted me to do that column. Gov. Brewer has always been […]
Alabama’s leading Political Columnist Steve Flowers
The presidential primary parade has been colorful and fun to watch this year. It has been even more amusing because of the pervasive presence of one Donald Trump and the fact that those of us in the Heart of Dixie have a front row seat to the […]