

Christ will not be alone in the battle of Armageddon

Revelation 19:13 tells us that White-Horse-Rider was clothed with a robe dipped in blood. That was not His blood, but the blood of all those slain with that double-edged sword coming out of His mouth (verse 15). Christ’s blood has already been deposited on the altar of the heavenly Holy of Holies (Hebrews […]

Tribulation passages to help us see the Bible truth about tribulation

These things I spoke to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: But be of good cheer; I overcame the world (John 16:33). […]

Believers to be reunited with their glorified bodies and meet Christ in the air

More Pre-Tribulation Scripture passages: First Corinthians 15:51-52 (KJV): “Behold, I show [reveal to] you a mystery; We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we […]

Tribulation cannot begin until some human entity is removed from the earth

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

More biblical light regarding end-time events and the catching away of the church. One more Scripture passage those experts seem to have overlooked is Luke 17:26-30. Teaching on last-days events, the Lord said plainly that, just as it was in the days of both Noah and […]

Ron Craig: More on end time events and prophecy

Solomon’s Temple

All seventy sevens of years Gabriel informed Daniel about have to do with the Jews. If those first seven and sixty-two concern Israel, then that seventieth seven does as well! Why those two first divisions, which come short of seventy? Seven and sixty-two equal sixty-nine. The first division obviously refers to […]

There are major flaws in most end time prophecies

Before exposing the next major end-time teaching error, let me mention one more Scripture passage that may just provide more light on the exposure of this first of the major errors. Revelation 16:12 states that in those last days the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the kings from the […]

Sometimes their expertise is not so expert after all

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

But, what about Ezekiel 38 and 39? Daniel 11:44 is key. As the Antichrist is about to enter Jerusalem to crush it, “news from the east and the north will trouble him, and he will go out [obviously in those directions] to destroy and to annihilate […]

There’s a lot of speculation on end time events

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Before getting deeper into the end-time-events subject, I want to make a few comments and ask a few questions. I have learned that different people have different motivations for their interest in end-time events. Although many are sincere, some are obviously motivated by mere curiosity. While […]

The Book of Daniel is concerned with world events

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The book of Daniel is expanded in the book of Revelation. Revelation cannot be understood without a working knowledge of Daniel’s original revelation, and Daniel is incomplete without the apostle John’s completion of that vision in the book of Revelation. Moreover, both books must be taken together […]

Daniel’s Dream Interpretation to King Nebuchadnezzar

By Ron Craig The dreams and visions in the book of Daniel are unique, because end-time events were revealed to both King Nebuchadnezzar and the prophet Daniel, but in different times, with vastly different symbols. Yet, all of them presented what Deity wanted us to know about the end-time events. All the dreams and […]

Pharoah’s Dreams

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Let us look at several Bible examples of dreams and visions, and determine whether each vision had multiple interpretations, or just one interpretation. Genesis chapter 40 tells us that two of Pharaoh’s close servants, his cupbearer, and his baker, had offended their master, and had been thrown […]

We will be judged by what Jesus taught back then

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

John 12:47-50 shows us that Bible interpretation is neither necessary nor God-approved. Let us look closely at our Lord’s own words on that issue. “If any man hears My words, and believes them not, I judge him not [at this time]: For I came not [on this […]

Do not get caught in that demonic trap

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

If 2 Peter 1:20-21 was valid in the first century, why would it not be valid today? Just because the devil has convinced sinners, and much of the church, that the world has changed, and therefore God must have changed as well, that does not make it […]

Time cannot alter what Jesus purchased for us on that tree!

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Does time really change anything? I have heard over and over that we are now in the twenty-first century, and so we need to adjust our mindset to the current thinking. And tragically, much of the church has fallen for that demonic mentality. Demonic?Absolutely! How can the […]

Theologians are the fizzlers

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The Cornerstone, Jesus Christ, has been laid. God Almighty laid it. And no one can challenge the work of the Almighty. The Cornerstone is permanent in both its location and its purpose. Location: The church—Ephesians 1:22-23: “God [Himself] has put all things under His [Christ’s] feet, […]

Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Cornerstone! Familiar with that word? Chief Cornerstone! Sound familiar? It should to Bible students. That term refers only to Jesus Christ. He is the Chief Cornerstone. And just what does that term mean? It refers to the first stone that was placed as the foundation of a […]

The Godhead does not change

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The statement that God does not change is recorded in Malachi 3:6, the last of the Old Testament books. In the New Testament, in Hebrews 13:8, we see that Jesus does not change—Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. In Hebrews 1:3, we also discover that […]

We must do our part to receive the benefits

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

While I do not want to be too repetitive, still, although I have covered some subjects in past articles, I do not remember in which articles such issues were covered; nor do I remember all of the details of the issues I dealt with in those articles; […]

Evolution is the biggest lie ever sold to humanity

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Before getting into those additional Scriptures about God’s use of human beings to do His deliverance projects on this planet, let us consider these alternatives suggested by outright sinners, as well as even by the members of some church denominations. […]

God is looking for human beings who will accept the awesome authority God has delegated

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

The primary point in these current lessons is to get across the biblical reality that God is not going to step down from His glorious throne to intervene in world problems, because He has already come down in the human form of Jesus Christ, and solved all […]