

Lexington man gets 2 years in work release for deadly ATV crash

FLORENCE — A Lexington man who drove an all-terrain vehicle involved in a deadly crash in 2017 will serve two years in the Lauderdale County Work Release program.

Ryan Tolliver Johnson, 21, received the sentence Wednesday after pleading guilty in January to criminally negligent homicide.
On Sept. 16, 2017, Johnson crashed an ATV, killing Jackson Samuel Newton, 20, and injuring Brooklyn Thompson, 20, officials said. The incident occurred at Lauderdale 86 and Lauderdale 97 in Rogersville.
Lauderdale County District Attorney Chris Connolly said the wreck occurred at approximately 3 a.m., and they measured Johnson’s blood alcohol level several hours later. It was .14 percent. The legal limit is .08 percent.
Johnson was indicted on charges of manslaughter and first-degree assault before issuing the plea.
The sentence from Self means Johnson will avoid prison but still be incarcerated in the county jail, where he will return from work each day.
During an emotional hearing Tuesday, Johnson turned to the victim’s family and apologized and said he takes responsibility for what happened.

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