

COUNSELOR’S CORNER: 5 Strategies for Coping with Change

Elysia Tucker, LPC, ADCis the Executive Director ofSouthern Wellness Services, Inc.

As another school year is winding down, one thing becomes certain: change is part of life. Going to college, getting a summer job, moving to a new home, ending or beginning a relationship, having a child leave the home… The list could […]

Counselor’s Corner: 5 Parenting Strategies to Head Off Teen Substance Use

Elysia Tucker, LPC, ADCis the Executive Director ofSouthern Wellness Services, Inc.

Parenting a teenager can be hard. Hormones are raging, cell phones are constantly buzzing, and suddenly, it’s embarrassing to be seen with you in public. In that space between childhood and adulthood, teenagers still need guidance, and parents can find themselves struggling […]