

Our old sinful nature has been rendered ineffective

Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Forgiveness of sins, yes! But, much more than that! Change of nature—our nature! Theologians have thrown us a curve on that issue (plus a lot of other issues as well). I will deal with some of those other most important biblical issues later on. The amount of Bible territory we can cover in these articles is practically endless. But let us absorb and enjoy each Bible principle we learn in each article. Here is a most important one:
     Christ was more than a sin offering (although He was definitely that). Although the Old Testament sacrifices were shadows of Christ’s sacrifice, they fell short of being the sacrifice He was. On the Day of Atonement (Leviticus chapter 16) Christ’s sacrifice was foreshadowed by the offering of two goats. One was actually killed and burnt upon the altar. That was surely a picture of Christ hanging on that cross. The high priest would confess over the second (live) goat all of the sins of Israel, and then have it led away by a man into the wilderness to be let loose; signifying the carrying away of the sins of the people. That had to be a picture of the spirit of Christ descending into Hades. The Lord prophesied that He would be in the heart of the earth (where Hades is) for three days and nights (Matthew 12:40). Hell was one of the curses Jesus bore in our behalf.

Shadows are just that: shadows. Colossians 2:17 says that the Jewish festivals and customs were mere shadows, but the body (literal Greek) is of ChristNeither live nor dead goats could ever take away sin (Hebrews 10:4). Neither could they become sin, as did Jesus Christ on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21). Those Old Testament sacrifices served as a temporary postponement of judgment. Hebrews 9:10 informs us that those ordinances were imposed upon the Jews until the time of reformation—when Christ would come to earth and become the real sacrifice which would take away all our sins. 
     However, as I have already indicated, Jesus Christ not only took away our sins, but rendered ineffective our old sinful nature. Romans 6:6 says that our old man (selfwas crucified with Christthat the body of sin might be done away with. That was who we used to be. Christ did away with not only our sins, but also our sinful nature
     Be thinking about for next time: Those sheep and goats offered as sacrifices never actually became sin. Jesus Christ did! What does that Bible Truth mean for you and me? Sin was an integral part of usso Christ becoming sin means He became us! On the cross Jesus took on our old nature so that we could partake of His new nature. We are new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We will look into that next time.
(If you are not a committed member of some other Christian fellowship, you are invited to visit Living Way Fellowship at 2041 County Road 73, in Killen area. From Killen, going north on US 43, turn right on County Road 73 and go 2 and 1/2 miles. We are on the right. You can’t miss the sign out front—Living Way Fellowship. Sunday 10:00 A.M., Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Ron Craig is the pastor, teacher and Christian book author. Contact us at ronwritercraig@gmail.com, or log onto our church website at www.livingwayfellowshiponline.org. While logged on our website, check out my books and audio podcasts. Wouldn’t hurt!)

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