MONTGOMERY — A woman convicted of a 1988 Sheffield murder had parole denied this week, authorities said.
In a separate case, parole also was denied for a convicted sex offender from a Colbert County case who failed to comply with Alabama’s sex offender registration laws, officials said.
The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles denied paroles for Rosalyn Saffold Williams and Billy Jerome Henderson, said Terry Abbott, director of communications for the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles.
Williams has served 31 years, 6 months of a life sentence in the death of Tommy Dorsey Howard, according to court records. She is accused of using a butcher knife to kill him at a Sheffield residence.
She was paroled in 2003 and 2016, but violated parole both times, Abbott said.
Henderson has served 1 year, 1 month of a 10-year sentence for his 2013 conviction in Colbert County for the violating the registration law, according to records.
He had been convicted in 1999 of sexual abuse and received a 5-year sentence, records state. He then was convicted twice in Walker County of violating the sexual offender registration law.
Two hearings for inmates in local cases are set for Thursday.
One is for Michael Eugene Black, who has served 9 years, 4 months of a 25-year sentence for his 2011 convictions of first-degree assault and leaving the scene of an accident with injury, records state.
Black was convicted of running over Tony Jones, manager of the Spring Valley Water Department while Jones was working on a water line on Dawson’s Store Road, near Tuscumbia, records state. Black lived near the site.
The other hearing is for Melvin Douglas Mason, who has served 16 years of a 25-year sentence on a 2005 attempted murder conviction, records state. He shooting his former girlfriend outside her house in 2004.