

Stevenson Police Chief Charged with Civil Rights Offenses for Assaulting Arrestee


BIRMINGHAM –A federal grand jury today indicted Stevenson Police Chief Daniel Winters, 55, on two counts of deprivation of civil rights under color of law, announced the Justice Department and U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance.

The indictment alleges that on or about March 22, 2015, Winters physically assaulted an arrestee, and willfully failed to intervene to stop another person from using unreasonable force during the arrest. The assault caused the arrestee to suffer bodily injuries.

This case is being investigated by the FBI, with assistance from the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation. The investigation remains ongoing. The matter is being prosecuted by Special Litigation Counsel Forrest Christian and Trial Attorney Samantha Trepel of the Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section and Deputy Chief Laura Hodge of the Northern District of Alabama.

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