

Tuscumbia receives $110,604 in block grants; Franklin County $350,000


In the past few days, Gov. Robert Bentley has awarded more than $1.2 million in grants to improve living conditions in six northwest Alabama communities.

Community Development Block Grants awarded by Bentley are: $450,000 to the city of Moulton, $350,000 to Franklin County, $230,000 to the city of Guin, $105,625 to the town of Hillsboro and $110,604 to the city of Tuscumbia.

“For local governments stretching to fund day-to-day operations, Community Development Block Grants are a godsend,” Bentley said. “I applaud local officials throughout northwest Alabama who have helped make these necessary projects a reality and I am pleased to play a role in this process.”

CDBGs are awarded annually on a competitive basis in several classifications including counties, small and large cities and community enhancement. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs administers the awards from funds made available to the state by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“These communities are to be commended for their diligence and dedication in identifying community needs and taking action to resolve them,” ADECA Director Jim Byard Jr. said. “This year, ADECA received 108 applications for projects that support economic and community development. We were able to award 54 projects totaling $17.5 million in investments. I am proud of the projects chosen this year, especially these projects to benefit the residents of these communities in northwest Alabama.”

Grant recipients and a summary of the projects are:

Moulton will use its $450,000 grant to rehabilitate old, faulty sewer lines in the northwest part of the city. The work will include sections of Will Street, Edna Street, Betty Street, Hospital Street, East Street, Paine Street, North Street, Katherine Street, Littrell Circle and Main Street. The city is providing $172,062 in local funds for the project.

Franklin County will apply its $350,000 grant to provide storm drainage improvements in the Oak Hills subdivision near Russellville. The community, which has 258 residents, has for years flooded, damaging houses and blocking roads. The County Commission has pledged $270,087 in local funds for the project.

Guin will use its $230,000 to reduce blight by demolishing seven dilapidated and vacant structures as part of the city’s efforts to revitalize its downtown and surrounding area. The city is providing $25,800 in local funds for the project.

Hillsboro will use its $105,625 grant to raze the former Tennessee Valley Primitive Baptist Institute on Mallard Creek Road. Most of the structure has been damaged by water and fire and has been deemed a health hazard. The structure is adjacent to a play area.

Tuscumbia will apply its $123,104 grant toward demolishing 18 dilapidated and vacant structures at 16 sites. The project is part of the city’s efforts to revitalize downtown and surrounding areas. The city is providing $12,500 in matching funds for the project. For an overview of the CDBG program in Alabama, see this video:


ADECA manages a range of programs that support law enforcement, economic development, workforce development, recreation, energy conservation and water resource management.

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