

32-Year Old Conservative Alabama Businessman Makes Waves In Legislative Race

Andrew Sorrell

A 32-year old Alabama conservative businessman and small government conservative is outpacing every other non-incumbent candidate for state legislative office for the 2018 primary cycle. 

Andrew Sorrell is running for House District 3, an open seat that has been held by the Democrats for over 140 years, but which analysts predict to swing solidly Republican after voting overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016.


Despite his young age of 32, Sorrell has managed to out-fundraise every other non-incumbent running for state house in Alabama. Two months out from the Primary election, he has over $140,000 cash on hand, and is raising additional money at an impressive rate. Due to his reputation for running highly effective grassroots campaigns while also managing to go toe-to-toe with any opposition financially, many potential candidates simply opted not to run. Only one other candidate has jumped into the Republican Primary race, a local community college administrator named Humphrey Lee.  Lee’s cash on hand shows about $4,000 as of April 3rd, 2018.

Conservative candidates usually have no problem putting together a good team of volunteers, but often struggle to raise the funds necessary to be competitive. Andrew Sorrell owns Infinity Books in Huntsville, one of the leading online college textbook resellers, and Gold Guns & Guitars, a pawn shop in Florence, among other diverse business interests. He started his entrepreneurial career at the age of 16 selling textbooks from his parents’ screened porch, and has built several businesses across North Alabama from the ground up.

You can learn more about Andrew Sorrell at https://www.andrewsorrell.com/



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