

American Idol audition to be held at Alabama Music Hall of Fame

Alabama Music Hall of Fame

American Idol is making a comeback and there is a lot of excitement about this week’s auditions at the Alabama Music Hall of Fame.   Here’s a few answers to the some of the important questions people are asking about the Thursday auditions:

Where will the American Idol auditions be held? 617 US 72 West, Tuscumbia, at the Hall of Fame.

When should I line up for the auditions?
Registration and auditions will take place on the same day and you will audition on a first come, first served basis at Producer’s discretion.
Remember, auditions take place rain or shine! Audition start and finish times are subject to Producer’s sole discretion, but it is currently anticipated that auditions will start no later than 9:00 a.m. and will end no later than 5:00 p.m. on the audition day in each audition city. You will need to be in the area directed by Producer at that time. Even if you are in line before 9:00 a.m., Producer cannot guarantee that you will be seen for an audition, regardless of whether or not you have a wristband (or other form of identification provided by Producer) and/or seat ticket (if applicable). Some locations may prevent people from lining up before 6:00 a.m., so you must continue to check our website at www.abc.go.com/shows/american-idol DAILY for the most up-to-date audition schedule and information, including the time you need to be in line by. You should plan on arriving as early.
Producers reserve the right to audition people out of order of their place in line. THERE WILL BE NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING INSIDE OR OUTSIDE ANY OF THE LOCATIONS.

What do I do on audition day?
Once you have your wristband (or other form of ID provided by Producer) and seat ticket (if applicable), you and your one guest (if applicable; if you are a minor, your guest must be your parent or guardian – see Auditioners Under 18 Years of Age above) will need to return at the appointed time for your audition. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU BRING ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS LISTED IN THE REGISTRATION & AUDITION CHECKLIST BELOW. The auditions likely will begin sometime around 9:00 a.m. Audition start and/or finish times are at the discretion of the Producer. You will need to be in your assigned seat at the appointed time.
While waiting in line to register and audition, PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO OTHER PEOPLE IN LINE. DO NOT CUT IN LINE. IF PRODUCERS DISCOVER THAT YOU HAVE CUT IN FRONT OF ANOTHER PERSON IN LINE, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE AUDITION PROCESS. Also, you may not hold a place in line for another person for an extended period of time.

What should I wear to the auditions?
Please do not wear any clothing or bring any items that have designer names, corporate or sports team names or logos, copyrighted images, celebrity names or images (living or dead), cartoon character images or inappropriate messages or words (for example, profanity). If you do wear such clothing, you may be required to remove it, turn it inside out or put on additional clothing to cover it. If you have any tattoos that contain any corporate or sports names or logos, copyrighted images, celebrity names or images (living or dead), cartoon character images or inappropriate message or words (for example, profanity), please cover the tattoo for your audition.

What should I sing at the auditions?
Be prepared to sing a song of your choice either a cappella (without music) or with your own instrumental accompaniment, e.g., a guitar. You should be prepared to sing at least two or possibly three songs. If you are called back to audition further, you may be asked again to sing two songs a cappella, one of which may or may not be from a list that will be provided to you by the Producer at that time. The other song, if requested by Producer, may be a song of your choice. All rules and procedures are subject to change at Producer’s sole and absolute discretion.

Will everyone in line have the opportunity to audition?
This will depend on how many people show up for the auditions. Although we would love to audition everyone who registers, it may be impossible given time constraints built into our schedule. There is no guarantee that everyone who registers will be given the opportunity to audition. If time is running short, Producer may select people to audition (regardless of how early they arrived) based on performing ability, style, personality and other factors, at Producer’s sole discretion.

Are auditions by appointment or is it “cattle call” style?
Auditions are not by appointment. All those auditioning in each city will appear at the same designated place during the times determined by the Producers. Producer may, at its sole and absolute discretion, select any eligible person to advance further in the audition process and/or participate in the American Idol® competition regardless of whether the eligible person has attended any of the audition cities listed above or auditioned in any other manner available.

What paperwork will I need?

See the checklist at http://www.abc.go.com/shows/american-idol


Source: ABC

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