MUSCLE SHOALS, ALA. — Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) Child Development Center presents the 2017 Kids in College, Weird Science. Kids in College will be held July 17-21, 2017, in the Patriot Center (gym) on the Shoals campus.
The summer camp is open to children entering grades kindergarten through sixth in the fall. Each day participants will perform science experiments with local presenters. Campers will enjoy quality learning experiences with highly qualified staff. Healthy snacks will be provided daily.
Children are to arrive promptly at 8:00 a.m. so that the day’s events can start and conclude on time each day at 12 p.m. noon.
Registration cost is $80 per child or $70 per child for families with two or more children participating (each child will be provided with a camp T-shirt). Spaces are limited and early registration is encouraged. All participants that register prior to July 1 will receive a discounted rate.
For More Information on the 2017 Kids in College summer camp or to register, visit or contact the NW-SCC Child Development Center at (256) 331-5245 or email