KILLEN – Lauderdale County Commissioner Brad Holmes, District 1, announced today that
he will seek to retain his current position on the Lauderdale County Commission in the 2018
election cycle. Holmes was appointed in 2016 to fill a vacancy left by Danny Pettus who was
elected as Commission Chairman.
“I’ve been humbled at the amount of support and encouragement I’ve received since I was first
seated on the County Commission. I appreciate the people’s trust and desire to continue serving
as their Commissioner.”
Since Holmes’ appointment, the Commission has added deputies to the County Sheriff’s
department, improved the county road system, brought broadband to rural areas of the county,
and worked to make local government more efficient. Commissioner Holmes was instrumental in
advocating for additional funding for the Sheriff’s Department and for first responders in
Lauderdale County. Holmes utilized his background in engineering and construction to work
with the Lauderdale County Road Department to improve road systems and plan for the future.
“Over the last year, we have had to seek ways to maintain our roads and bridges without breaking
the bank. Through innovations and smart investments, we will be able to pave more than 50 miles
of roads in 2018. Many of these roads have been neglected in the past, but I’m proud to say that
we are back on track to fix some of the most neglected roads in our system.”
Holmes is a native of Lauderdale County. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University
of North Alabama (UNA) in Communications and a Master’s degree in Engineering from the
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
In addition to his service to the Lauderdale County Commission, Holmes is a Lieutenant with the
Florence Police Department. He serves on the Board of Directors of Lauderdale E911 system. He
is a current member of the Sons of the American Legion, Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama
Cattlemen’s Association, and International Association of Chiefs of Police. Holmes is Past-
President of the University of North Alabama Alumni Association and Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Shoals. He is a former board member of SEDA, Better Business Bureau, and the Shoals
Area Crime Stoppers.
He and wife, Sara Nicholas Holmes, live in Killen with their two sons, Parker and Paxton.
Holmes serves as a Deacon at First Baptist Church in Florence where he teaches Sunday School
and leads the college ministry.
Holmes maintains he is prepared for the challenges of the upcoming term. “As funding continues
to decrease at the state level for our road systems, justice system, and school system, we must
have leaders who know how to manage and safeguard the taxpayer’s money. I am that type of
leader,” Holmes states. The Commission ended the 2017 fiscal year with over a million dollars in
“I believe that I have proven my dedication and value to Lauderdale County during the last
fourteen months and humbly ask for the opportunity to continue to serve.”
For more information, go to Commissioner Brad Holmes on or contact
Commissioner Brad Holmes, at (256) 648-3125.