The calendar does not dominate my messages. The Lord shows me what to teach in my books, in our meetings and in these articles. So this week, this is what I was led to write. Many in our day claim Christianity is outdated. Since we live in the 21st century, we must adjust our beliefs to 21st-century thinking. The Bible is an old outdated book that is no longer valid; even if it ever was. I have actually crossed paths with ministers who taught such lies in their local churches—one right here in the shoals area. That is why I must point out some Scripture passages that address that demonic falsehood. In the previous message, I stressed that God has already given us the only strategy we need to solve most if not all human problems. Of course, that strategy is written in the Bible—
that supposed outdated book. And I remind you that our Lord stated plainly in John 12:48 that the words He spoke while He was on earth will judge people in the last days. Therefore, the Bible is still a valid document. It is actually supernatural, because it was given to us by the Holy Spirit—2 Timothy 3:16. God’s Word will still be around when its despisers are forever burning in hell. Moreover, in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave His final instructionsto His followers before He ascended back to heaven. Do you not think Jesus would give them the very best tools to work with to help them get the job done? He obviously thought the last words He spoke on earth would work for His followers right up to the end, for He promised in verse 20 that He Himself would be with them (including us in this generation) every day right up to the end of this age. Jesus Christ prophesied of many future events, so He was obviously aware of what we would be facing in these modern times. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus prophesied that the Gospel He preached back in those days would be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations just before the end comes. Therefore, it should be obvious to modern believers that Jesus Christ knew exactly what strategy we need to solve world problems. If we needed some different strategy, our Lord would surely have given us some different instructions. Let God be true, but every man a liar—Romans 3:4. First John 5:9-10: “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater [and] he who does not believe God has made Him [God out to be] a liar.” God’s Word is forever true, and in it is written the strategy we need to solve many of the world’s problems; starting with our own. Next time we will discuss a common reason why many human problems do not get solved. It is actually rather simple. Be sure to tune in. Also, I remind you…
(If you are not a committed member of some other Christian fellowship, you are invited to visit Living Way Fellowship at 2041 County Road 73, in Killen area. From Killen, going north on US 43, turn right on County Road 73 and go 2 and 1/2 miles. We are on the right. You can’t miss the sign out front—Living Way Fellowship. Sunday 10:00 A.M., Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Ron Craig is the pastor, teacher and Christian book author. Contact us at, or log onto our church website at And while there, check out my books and audio podcasts.)