NW-SCC Shoals Campus chapter officers receive eight (8) awards at Alabama Regional Phi Theta Kappa Convention. Pictured (left to right): Desiree South, Shoals Campus Advisor; Cyntonia Carroll (of Tuscumbia, Ala.), Tuesday Richey (of Sheffield, Ala.), Diane Peeples (of Muscle Shoals, Ala.), Dr. Glenda Colagross, NW-SCC Interim President; David Lugo-Barrera (of Russellville, Ala.), Emma Bratton (of Tuscumbia, Ala.), Crystal Reed, NW-SCC Assistant Dean of Student Success (Distinguished Administrator Award recipient), and Jacque Jefferys, Shoals Campus Advisor.
MUSCLE SHOALS & PHIL CAMPBELL, ALA. — Northwest-Shoals Community College’s (NW-SCC) Phil Campbell Campus (Alpha Zeta Iota chapter) and Shoals Campus (Alpha Sigma Beta chapter) recently received 17 awards at the 2018 Phi Theta Kappa Alabama Regional Convention at Enterprise State Community College in Enterprise, Ala.
The Phil Campbell and Shoals Campus Chapter was recognized with the following awards:
Shoals Campus
Competitive Edge Award
Distinguished Administrator Award – Crystal Reed
Distinguished Chapter Advisor(s) Award – Jacque Jefferys and Desiree South
Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team Award – Jacque Jefferys and Desiree South
Distinguished Chapter Member Award – Cyntonia Carroll
Distinguished Chapter Officer – Tuesday Richey
Five-Star Chapter Award
Reach Award (for increasing membership)
Phil Campbell Campus
Continued Excellence Award
Distinguished Chapter Officer Team Award
Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award
Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award
Distinguished Chapter Member Award – Leah Gunderman
First Alternate, Most Distinguished Chapter Award
Five-Star Competitive Edge Chapter Officer Awards
Five-Star Chapter Award
Reach Award (for increasing membership)
Phil Campbell Campus Officers are: Shirley Acosta (of Haleyville, Ala.), Lauren Belcher (of Lynn, Ala.), Josh Pinkard (of Russellville, Ala.), and Luke Stanford (of Vina, Ala.). Advisors for the Phil Campbell (Alpha Zeta Iota) chapter are Pam Peters and Rachel Trapp. Melissa Harris, a Phil Campbell chapter member, was selected as the new Alabama Regional Officer for District 1.

NW-SCC Phil Campbell Campus chapter officers receive nine (9) awards at Alabama Regional Phi Theta Kappa Convention. Pictured (left to right): Lauren Belcher (of Lynn, Ala.), Josh Pinkard (of Russellville, Ala.), Luke Stanford (of Vina, Ala.), Dr. Glenda Colagross, NW-SCC Interim President; Shirley Acosta (of Haleyville, Ala.), Layne Boyd, 2018-19 Phil Campbell Campus chapter officer; and Rachel Trapp, Advisor.
Shoals Campus Officers are: David Lugo-Barrera (of Russellville, Ala.), Emma Bratton (of Tuscumbia, Ala.), Diane Peeples (of Muscle Shoals, Ala.), and Tuesday Richey (of Sheffield, Ala.). Advisors for the Shoals chapter are Desiree South and Jacque Jefferys.
Both chapters will attend the Phi Theta Kappa International Convention April 19-21, in Kansas City, Mo.
Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College, has recognized academic excellence in the two-year college since 1918.