

Babylon makes merchants and kings rich

Just like most other portions of the book of Revelation, chapters 17 and 18 are problematic for those who want to believe the book is merely symbolic, and therefore may be interpreted many different ways—especially their own unique way. I agree with Finis Dake (of Dake’s Annotated Bible) that the material must be […]


Christian Author and Pastor Ron Craig

Revelation chapter ten is part of another insert between trumpet six and seven. The angel had a little OPEN SCROLL in his hand (had to be the one Jesus opened, one seal at a time), and John was told to eat it—revelation knowledge—which John wrote about in […]

Scripture says the sun will scorch men with extreme heat

Now back to the disturbing details of Daniel and Revelation. We have to be living in the last days of this evil age, for the evidence keeps piling up. For one thing, Israel is a nation again. One recent buzz is the Jews planning to rebuild the temple. That is a big no-no […]

Why is Revelation written to the Church and not the Jews?

Now, if Daniel and Revelation describe Israel’s end-time troubles, and not the church’s troubles, then why is Daniel in our Bible, and why is the book of Revelation written to the church and not to the Jews? A good question! Part of the answer: Most of the Old Testament was written about Israel, and […]

The Church is divided over Tribulation

The church is actually divided over the second major end-time teaching error, regarding whether or not the church will go through the Tribulation time spoken of in Jeremiah, Daniel, Matthew, Mark and Luke, and in some of Paul’s letters, and finally in the book of Revelation. The prime supposed evidence the experts use to […]