

Florence Mugshots for 3.26.2016

Mugshots provided by Florence Police. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty.

Birth Date: 12/12/59Booking Number: A1601133Agency: FPDInmate Name: WILLIAMS, JOHNNIE MTime/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class09:50:00 03/21/16 HARASSMENT 13A-11-8(a)1314 MUN CM

Birth Date: 05/27/97Booking Number: A1601095Agency: FPDInmate Name: WATTS, DESTINY LTime/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class16:51:00 03/17/16 Alias […]

Hundreds of Shoals area jobs gone as Colbert Steam plant closes

Retiree Tom Morrow (right) opens the breaker releasing Colbert from the power grid. Unit operator Dennis Skipworth (left) bends over unit 1 control.

TVA’s Colbert Fossil Plant ended 61 years of electricity generation Wednesday evening, March 23, as unit 1—the last of its five units—emptied its coal bunker and separated from the power […]